500RXPCSG Pocsag pager

Item 6 of 10
€ 272,25 (including VAT)

Omikron CallHelp 500RXP Pocsag Alphanumeric Color Touchscreen Pager. Shows real time 128 character messages in color touchscreen. Easy setup. Available with charger, wristband and beltclip.


1. 420~470Mhz frequency range

2. Working range of +/-200 meters at open area

3. 1.54” TN color touch screen

4. Receiving alphanumeric messages with 128 letters at max.

5. Pocsag code format

6. Chanel Spacing: 6.25 – 20Khz

7. Module: FSK

8. Paging Sensitivity: -110dbm

9. Baud Rate: 512/1200/2400bps

10. Spurious Emissions: <-69dbm

11. Capcode No.: 16

12. Selective PC/hand programmable

13. Lithium rechargeable battery


>>>>Special testmode for reading out capcodes before setup.

Specification Description
Barcode 9110023516332
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